Conferences are important platforms to identify quality material, both research-focused and of practical relevance. In many cases, conferences attract more paying attendees when there is an opportunity to publish their conference contributions in a refereed Journal.
We offer conference organizers to publish Special Conference Editions in topic areas that reasonably connect to our Journal. The process is quite uncomplicated. If you are contemplating a conference in the future, or have organized one recently, consider whether the best conference contributions might be suitable for a journal publication.
To publish a Special Conference Edition follow these guidelines, and we never charge for reviews or acceptances:
- A Special Conference Edition needs 8-12 high-quality papers, and can be broken into several editions, if there are many more papers. The usual paper page range is 8-18 A4 pages, 1 1/2 line spacing, and consistent with our format requirements. As conference papers are usually shorter, we can accommodate papers that fewer than 8 pages, provided they offer sufficient content quality.
- The topic must be connected to our overall focus, and our Editors can assist you with framing a Special Conference Edition for maximum impact.
- You decide who the Special Conference Edition editors will be (usually drawn from the conference committee), and we then add one of our editors to the group, so that you have the support you need.
- Your editor group decides on the acceptance of papers to your Special Conference Edition, and our editorial board reviews the final product. Usually, there are no fireworks of differences.
- Your Special Conference Edition can publish within a few weeks after all contributions have been submitted and accepted.
- It is presumed that all contributors have read and agreed to, our Copyright Statement, which governs all submissions to our journal.
All Special Conference Editions publish electronically at not cost and like all other Journal editions, are available in printed form through our Publication Store.
You can can always contact our editorial office for more information.